Mastering Your Life
Do you spend time overthinking?
Is stress a big part of your life?
Wouldn't it be lovely to wake up happy every morning?
To know that missing piece to your happiness....
If you answered yes to any of the above, then you definitely will benefit from this course.
Just for a moment allow yourself to picture your life as you would like it to be. What will you have?
Less procrastinating?
Less stress every day?
A calmer mind?
Regardless of what you want to achieve you must first master your mind. You do this by developing your psychological tool set and mastering the psychological skills necessary to make your ideal life a reality.
I know because it happened to me!
My life had been following a certain path, it had a trajectory, it was a very happy life and then I became ill.
I didn’t have the skills, or mindset needed to navigate the next four years successfully. As a result, they became four very hard years.
I made countless mistakes, talked myself into worst case scenarios, hampered my healing by allowing stress and allowing work pressures to get in my way. I was so out of touch with myself that I remember one day convincing myself to get out of bed, drive to work, put in a ten-hour day (because I knew I would be too sick to turn up the next day!), drive home and fall back into bed.
It changed for me one day when I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and I didn’t recognise the person looking back at me. The shock that day was enough to propel me into action. I began the journey of finding myself again.
Significant and real change happened when I began to reflect on my life and what I had allowed it to become. I realised, that the day I had convinced myself to get out of bed and put in 10 hours at work, I had also reduced my pain. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to get dressed never mind work. This knowledge started me on a journey into mindset work.
I spent the next few years learning.
Learning how thoughts create actions.
Learning how beliefs and values can determine thoughts.
Learning that the body sends signals to the mind that create thoughts.
And so much more.
My life changed for the better. I became the happy person I used to be but with even more reason to be happy. I began to find the joy in the little things, the big things and everything in between. Stress still exists in life (anyone who says it doesn’t is lying to themselves.) but how I handle stress is completely different. My life has purpose, I’m driven in a healthy way to set and achieve goals. I laugh, I love, I sing and dance (the last two mainly in my kitchen!). Everyday is a day of wonder and excitement.
That was 30 years ago and since then I have been helping people to develop these skills for themselves.
People say the worst thing that can happen is to be on your death bed looking back on your life and saying, “If only I had….”
I think the worst thing that can happen is each year, each month each week you look back on the previous year, month or week and say “If only I had……”
You see people don’t wait until their death bed for an “if only” moment, you live it every day. That is why I developed this course. Too many people put off learning the skills needed to create their ideal life.
And you have to learn these skills…..nobody is born with this knowledge.
Have a Question? Speak to Karen
For this course I have brought together over 25 years’ worth of experience working one on one with clients. Clients who are now living the life that they know they deserve. Happy successful fulfilled lives.
Here is what you will get:
- Your group will meet once a week for an hour with me and then have access to that week’s module. In each module you will find videos and PDF documents that will help you to complete the work. (I say the classes are an hour but in reality they usually last longer as I never leave until I have answered everyone's questions.)
- Classes are recorded and available only to your group.
- You will have a 1:1 call with me. You can use this during the course if you need extra support or clarity.
- You get 3 months membership of my Mastermind group. This allows you to continue the work in a supported atmosphere.
I will be with you every step of the way to make sure you have what you need.
Join me with a small exclusive group Starting the 20th February 2024
There are only 20 places available.
Pay in InstalmentsWhat we will cover on the course
🟣 The ways you have been sabotaging your own success and how to stop.
🟣 How to silence the inner critic
🟣 How to think and act differently, stop procrastinating.
🟣 How to have control over your emotions and not let them control you.
🟣 How to Motivate yourself every day.
🟣 How to incorporate healthy habits that will make you happier in life and relationships.
🟣 How to set real and achievable goals for your life
Enrol Now: Pay in FullWhat participants have said
Christelle talks about how procrastination was a pattern that she has been able to release.
What you will learn each week : starting 2nd October 2024
Module 1
Understand how to be the person you want to be, confident, motivated etc.
Using special technique's begin to become who you want to be.
Understand how you have been sabotaging yourself and stop it once and for all.
Module 2
Learn what are your values.
Not just the surface level values but your core values.
Understand how your core values are the values that cause you to feel offense.
Start to charge of your emotions
Module 3
Understand how your beliefs determine how you are in the world.
Learn how an incongruity between your beliefs and values can be tripping you up.
How to incorporate new beliefs into your life.
Module 4
Get control of the inner voice/critic.
Learn how to befriend the voice and silence it.
Stop the negative self-talk, the negative loops that run through your mind.
Module 5
Understand how everything you have experienced in life has value.
Learn how to take the value from your experiences and use it.
Get a handle on the “Drama” in your life.
Module 6
Incorporate mentally healthy habits into your life.
Learn the importance of reinforcing habits.
Get an understanding of the power of words.
Module 7
Learn what motivates you
How to stay motivated and focused on your goals
Get your Motivation strategy in place.
Module 8
Successful living what it is, and what it is not.
How to handle the fears
Copper fastened goal setting.
Enrol Now: Pay in Full
Hazel Quigley
This course is a great way to boost your sense of self, to understand what you want and what your priorities really are. It also gives you the tools to move forward into your best you, set your goals and achieve them.
I really enjoyed this course. Over several weeks Karen helped me to take a good look at myself and my life, understand how to improve my self esteem, conquer negativity and get out of my own way. There were great resources to review after each class and exercises to put what we learned into practice. I would recommend this course as a great way to reset or prepare for a new and better chapter in life. You leave the class knowing what is important to you and how to achieve it.
Hear what participants said about the course.
Tina talks about the stuck feeling that brought her to the course and how that has changed now.
About Karen...
Karen Molan is a Neuro Linguist Programming (NLP) consultant and a registered trainer with the Society of NLP.Originally trained in accounting, Karen diversified into the field of education, counselling and personal development in the early 1990s. While training in the Waterford Dyslexia Centre Karen became aware of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Having completed her Practitioner and Master Practitioner certifications she incorporated NLP techniques into her existing work.
Seeing the difference NLP can make in a person’s life Karen set up a private practice working with people who presented with a diverse range of conditions and issues. As her practice grew Karen recognised the need for quality training in NLP. She extended her studies to qualify as trainer of NLP. She is a recognised Licensed Trainer with the Society of NLP.
Knowing the importance of continuously updating your skills and knowledge she also holds a Certificate in Individual Psychology with Counselling Skills from the Limerick Institute of Technology, Co. Tipperary
She is the first person in Ireland to hold the NLP Teaching Excellence Certificate.
Karen’s private practice continues to grow internationally, attracting clients from England, Germany Spain, Italy, Australia and the United States as well as from all over Ireland.
Her trainings are renowned for the ease with which she can teach in a fun and informal atmosphere.
Making people smile is one of Karen’s favourite things to do! You can learn more about Karen at www.skillsquestcompany.com

Why YOU Need This Course!
This is an opportunity for you to reset your life and start living the life you dream about. When you work with a small group of like-minded people you have a greater chance of success. Being supported and being able to support others while using these transformative techniques is exhilarating.
Knowing your beliefs and values, your motivation strategy will be enlightening.
Seeing the difference in your life, as it happens instantaneously, will give you the confidence to step forward and grab the life you want for yourself.
No more playing small, no more hiding. Time to be brilliant, time to be successful.
Enrol Now: Pay in Full

Anne Marie Wallace
This is a course where you learn how to understand and take responsibility for what’s been holding you back while giving you the tools and skills to move forward with your goals. Using a mix of humour, kindness and incredible skill (honed over many years), Karen takes you on a journey over a number of weeks in her wildly popular SUCCEED course. In this course, you not only learn about who you are and what drives you, but you get the chance to create the person you want to be and are given the skills to let that person reach their goals. The course is transformative and actually fun. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to achieve a goal, but isn’t sure how to get there.
How long does the course last?
How long are the sessions?
How are the sessions delivered?
What happens if I miss a session?
What are the Group rules?
What do I need to be prepared for each session?
What happens when I sign up?
Enrol Today For The 2nd October 2024 To Avoid Disappointment
Remember, this course is for you, if you have ever felt less than or embarrassed or awkward with others. If you ever felt that you were missing out on something. If you want to be happy and successful, to be resilient, then this is the programme for you.
I would be honoured to show how easily you can achieve this.
Enrol Now: Pay in Full

Pauline Twomey
This is a course that will help awaken your brain to start helping the true you instead of being a hindrance.
It will explore how and why we respond to certain events in our lives the way we do and our reactions to such events.
The course will demonstrate how simple it is to adopt baby steps into your routine that have a lasting and profound change to your daily life.
Essentially it proves that we have a lot more control of how we live our lives than one would normally like to admit to.
I enjoyed the Succeed course immensely. I was pleasantly surprised at how simple and extremely achievable the exercises were to complete whilst having such a dramatic effect on my overall thinking. I especially admired this course for the ability to portray and explain how to strive for certain goals which are all within an individual’s own power and control. Karen was a fantastic guide throughout this course who was always available to help.